Heavy Work

Have you a heavy workload? Is it tough? We Know, Such professions mix sweat with grime. It also exposes workers to various toxins and loud noises – among other bodily stressors – and it requires physical stamina, muscle strength, and energy while being on your feet for hours at a time

Conceivably, there is not a profession in the world in which workers or practitioners can’t somehow benefit from supplementing their daily diets with health-maintaining or -inducing vitamins and supplements. There’s something for everyone!

Heavy workers are no exception. Taking care of your body is vital and to keep up your energy levels

Here are some tips:

Eat at regular intervals

If you eat at regular times, you may find it easier to sustain your energy levels.

Don’t skip breakfast

A healthy, balanced breakfast will help keep you going until lunchtime. 

Aim for at least 5 A Day

Most people eat too much fat, sugar and salt, and not enough fruit and vegetables.

Fruit and vegetables are good sources of vitamins, minerals and fibre – essential nutrients that your body needs to work properly.

Try to incorporate at least 5 portions of a variety of fruit and veg into your daily diet.

Starchy carbohydrates can help sustain energy

Starchy carbohydrates are an important part of a healthy diet. They’re a good source of energy and the main source of a range of essential nutrients. Starchy carbohydrates include:


Where possible, go for wholegrain or wholemeal varieties, as these are also higher in fibre and will keep you fuller for longer.

More good sources of energy

Iron-rich foods

Being low in iron can lead to iron-deficiency anaemia, which can make you feel tired and run down.

red meat, green vegetables and fortified foods such as breakfast cereals are good sources of iron, the important thing is to eat a range of foods to get enough iron.

Healthy drinks

Make sure you stay hydrated by drinking plenty of fluids 

Cut down on sugar

Adults and children eat too much sugar. While it does give you a rush of energy, this wears off quickly. It’s also bad for your teeth – and can be bad for your waistline too.

There are sugars in lots of foods, including fruit and veg, but you don’t need to avoid these.

However, we should cut down on foods with lots of added sugar, such as:

•sweets•cakes•biscuits•sugary fizzy drinks•chocolate•some breakfast cereals

Add Some Vitamins and Minerals

Vitamin B12. This important vitamin assists in the conversion of consumed food into energy for cell use. It can also help treat a form of anemia related to weakness and tiredness.•Vitamin C. Known best for its apparent ability to help stave off colds, vitamin C is an antioxidant vitamin with anti-inflammatory properties also essential to effective tissue repair within the body, making it useful in treating muscle strains. Vitamin C can also play a role in detoxification of the liver•Vitamin D. A vitamin D shortage in your body has been associated with weakened bones and muscles, per the Office of Dietary Supplements at the National Institutes of Health, As an antioxidant, vitamin D can also help in detoxifying the body.•Folate. Taking it daily has shown indications of slowing down hearing loss•Green tea. Bolsters the oxidation of fat and expenditure of energy while reducing lipogenesis and fat absorption, per NIH, putting it in the same category with carnitine for possible weight loss. Weight loss can be especially beneficial for those construction workers on their feet a lot, as flat feet, fallen arches, and severe pronation are common among people fighting weight issues.•Iron. Your body needs iron to make the protein hemoglobin, which helps carry oxygen from your lungs to various organs and tissues throughout your body. If deficient in iron, you might feel fatigue and weak much of the time•Niacin (Vitamin B3). Ear, nose, and throat specialists often recommend a supplemental dose of niacin to enhance blood flow to the microcapillaries of the inner ear so as to feed the auditory nerve. This gives hope to those construction workers often exposed to loud noises, such as those tasks requiring hearing protection—such as operating jackhammers.

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